Renee Cunningham
Author | Lake St Louis, Missouri
Renee is a Leadership Life Consultant who is passionate about inspiring women to overcome every challenge in their life. Her life’s quote is ‘You are a diamond with brilliance shining through you and radiating wherever you go. Shine, baby, shine.’ Through this passion and her life quote birthed the Polished Experience. Her miss.... more
Renee is a Leadership Life Consultant who is passionate about inspiring women to overcome every challenge in their life. Her life’s quote is ‘You are a diamond with brilliance shining through you and radiating wherever you go. Shine, baby, shine.’ Through this passion and her life quote birthed the Polished Experience. Her mission is to help women discover their purpose and walk boldly towards their dreams through utilizing her own life's challenges and triumphs. She helps empower women to optimize their brilliance by aligning their leadership style with their personality, strategic planning their assets with her top-notch asset’s management team and mentoring them to push them to SHINE in all areas of their life.
When Renee Cunningham speaks, her clients listen. She is direct, honest and is able to maneuver through the twist and turns of the financial world. Thanks to her compassionate communication, relaxed confidence and infectious likable spirit, her clients find working with her knowledgeable and rewarding. She has helped her clients qualify for mortgages on new construction homes, new automobiles, and lead them on the path to a debt free lifestyle. Renee recognizes and values the trust of her clients and strives every day to exceed their expectations.
Renee Cunningham has over 25+ years of experience in the financial and credit industry. She has a diverse background spanning across banking, finance, business management, economics, and human resources. Being able to draw from a diverse educational background, Renee has worked within two global Fortune 500 companies and various financial institutions in managerial positions where she was responsible for tasks such as asset management, stock investments, and estate planning. Her professional experiences have awarded her the opportunity to open her own business endeavor, Legacy Protector. Renee specializes in financial literacy with an emphasis on credit restoration and assets planning. She regularly conducts seminars and guests speaks on podcasts showcasing solid economic principles to secure a financial legacy.
When Renee isn’t working, you can catch on a plane on the way to her next travel experience and interior decorating her home. She has been dating her high school best friend of over 30 years and married now 24 years with two sons.
Renee is a published author in the “Ignite the Hunger in You” book along with Les Brown which is available November 4th, 2021 – preorder is available in October.
Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.
Marvin J. Ashton