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Paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • ISBN: 978-0-9917918-9-7 B0CXTVM56B
  • 348 pages
  • $17.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 978-1-7383682-0-4 B0CXTVM56B
  • 348 pages
  • $7.99
John Dutton
Worldwide fame and fortune beckon for sculptor Santiago Khan in a new North American megastate where a Board chosen by reality show viewers runs the country as a corporate paradise. But his life begins to derail after learning of a connection to purple-haired, sexually confident Mira Cool, who builds her online brand by disrupting major art installations similar to his. When Santi’s father is misdiagnosed and held captive by AI healthcare bots, Mira joins Santi on a fateful mission as they risk their lives to uncover the truth about the Board. Can they reveal their findings before the government tracks them down? 2084 depicts a frighteningly possible future of genetic body modification, a virtual religion, palliative entertainment, personalized porn, and chip implants that track every citizen’s moods and movements. Utopia or dystopia? Freedom or servitude? Reality or fiction? 2084 is a novel that will make you question every choice you make in our world today. Because tomorrow is closer than you think.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: In a future that can either be considered a utopia or dystopia, Santiago Khan lives in a megastate controlled by a Board. When is father is held captive, he must decide if he will take the risk to uncover the truth about the Board and the world he lives in. Fast-paced, satirical, and action-packed, Dutton brings the reader along for a ride that is sure to entertain and excite. 

Prose: Dutton ingeniously weaves in a new lexicon of the future that, with some suspension of disbelief, the contemporary reader can understand. With the use of a glossary and a writing style that is clear, the new vocabulary makes sense and adds to the credibility of the new world he has created.

Originality: 2084 offers a fresh and innovative vision of the future. The title, an allusion to Orwell’s 1984, invites readers to make their own conclusions about which themes ring true for both novels.

Character/Execution: Santiago Khan and Mira Cool, while at times brittle and archetypal in their depiction, embody the futuristic yet prescient storytelling.

Date Submitted: June 02, 2024

Release date information!

The ebook and paperback versions of 2084 will be released on April 30, 2024.

Paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • ISBN: 978-0-9917918-9-7 B0CXTVM56B
  • 348 pages
  • $17.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 978-1-7383682-0-4 B0CXTVM56B
  • 348 pages
  • $7.99
