Plot/Idea: A House of Cranes is an effortlessly intricate, character-focused drama that is both touching and involving. An exploration of boyhood fascination and wonder, Walter Lee's well-written story is an effectively paced tale of sexual awakening.
Prose: James Walter Lee's text is elegantly written, full of beautifully written observations. His dense passages of description and deft use of language heighten the dramatic atmosphere and infuse the storyline with intimacy.
Originality: A House of Cranes creates an excellently crafted web of passion, desire, and powerful eroticism. The sensual scenes are handled in a discreet and alluring manner, while the work strikingly conveys Lucius's growth and renewal via his creative endeavors.
Character/Execution: Walter Lee demonstrates a deep understanding of human relationships and complex family dynamics in a truly memorable work.
Blurb: A brilliantly realized drama.
Date Submitted: April 17, 2024