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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781977597793 1977597793
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Cheryl Bannerman
A Killer's Reflection

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

In the erotic thriller, A Killer’s Reflection, Bannerman’s third work of fiction, she entices the reader with a perfect combination of sex, lies and murder, as she invites the reader to relive the life story of a serial killer from the perspective of the killer, his psychiatrist, the detectives on the case, and his prey. Even as a little boy, Douglass Randall Coleman Jr. knew that he was different. It wasn’t just the special attention from his mother, but the attention he got from his female teachers and young girls too. All it took was a flash of his winning smile, which he practiced in the mirror every day, along with a dash of charm, and the world was his for the taking. Raised in the midst of the chaos of urban life (drugs, alcohol, and abuse) Douglass didn’t have a fighting chance. However, there was only one problem with getting everything he wanted, always getting his requests granted without question…hearing ‘No’ could be deadly. Douglass had to find a way to control his killer urges, and soon sought the help of a therapist. Dr. Olivia Reed was a therapist with deadly secrets that could never be told. Unable to figure out if Douglass was a narcissist, sociopath, or both, he became her ‘special’ case study that could make her famous. Crossing the line between doctor-patient privilege, and preventing future murders, would plague Dr. Reed for years. Meanwhile, Tara Walker thought she had met the perfect man online…charming, tall, handsome, doting, and charismatic. Her friends and family loved him, but behind closed doors, a monster emerged. After his first kill, with the cops nowhere near solving the case, Douglas’ confidence grew even more. But lurking in the shadows, watching his every move, there was someone smarter than all of them, even the detectives. Despite being driven by jealousy and spite, he was determined to take Douglass down for all the crimes he had ever committed. Only in the end, will the detectives get the break they’ve been waiting for. But until then, they wonder how many more must die before they have enough evidence to trap the man with the ‘Killer Reflection’.
K.J. Simmill

The signs had been there for anyone to see, but Doug had hid them well. From the torture of animals to the rape of a peer. But he was perfect in his mother’s eyes, she doted on constantly, something he hatwd, and yet expected from everyone. His mother Sandra lived and breathed for him, much to the resentment of his older brother Charles. As soon as he was able Doug left the stifling environment, and joined the Navy, but his attempts to suppress his desires sent him down a destructive path. A Father, liar, and master manipulator he thinks he is untouchable, or more accurately he thinks he does no wrong, and he expects unadulterated devotion from the women he chooses. Then he takes things too far, but will his charm be enough to see him wriggle from the law’s grasp? Find out in A Killer’s Reflection by Cheryl Denise Bannerman.

This was an surprisingly enjoyable read. Meeting Doug at a young age you gain insights into snippets of his life as he matures, shaping him into what he will ultimately become. There are hints at a darker origin of his development, a hateful influence. Cheryl Denise Bannerman, when writing Doug’s perspective forges a clear image of his character and personality, and when later she approaches Tara’s perspective, creates an amazing account of how her behaviour would alter and her mannerisms change to ensure she didn’t do anything to anger him. The alteration in characters is clearly and real, and A Killer’s reflection touches on serious issues, and makes for a page turning read.

Paperback Book Details
  • 9781977597793 1977597793
  • pages
  • $
