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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 08/2023
  • 979-8987074664 B0CD41GY5Q
  • 420 pages
  • $22.99
M. C. Ryder
All I See Are Dark Clouds
M. C. Ryder, author

Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Publish)

I used to tell my best friend, through thick and thin, I'd always have her six and then I was the one who stabbed her in the back. I have to live with that regret every day, which is why I chose to drink animal blood. Chose to be weak against my nature. I am a vampire. A creature of the dark. A shadow in the night. Dark clouds surround me everywhere I go as I try to find my place in this eternal world. I'm supposed to find forgiveness in myself. I don't think I can ever forgive myself even if my best friend dared me to. The only thing I can do with this curse is use it for something good. Try to help others. Try to view it as a gift. I'm trying, but I can't stop living in the past. Can't stop seeing that moment when life changed for me forever. Can't get untangled from that punishing part I try hard to forget, but it's always there haunting me.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 6 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 7.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Though the plot is immense, the author maintains continuity across the different sections of the novel, resulting in a well-ordered, fluid story.

Prose: The story teems with lush worldbuilding, with vampires and werewolves serving as the main characters—and coexisting alongside humans in everyday life. The prose is smooth and nimble.

Originality: The storyline borrows heavily from well-known tropes, though the intriguing worldbuilding gives it an edge.

Character/Execution: Camille is a tortured soul, knee-deep in the trauma aftereffects of her troubled past, but her romance with Beckett is a sweet antidote to her guilt and shame. The author introduces a wide, varied cast—many of whom are werewolves and vampires—and supporting characters are given adequate backstories to track their roles throughout the novel.

Date Submitted: August 23, 2023


"... concluding masterpiece of M.C. Ryder's trilogy, delves deep into the intricacies of redemption, guilt, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness. The narrative takes readers on an emotionally charged journey, following the protagonist's poignant quest for forgiveness and self-acceptance. Ryder's writing is nothing short of extraordinary, immersing readers in the turbulent mind of a vampire torn between their nature and their desire to do good in the world." -Discourse

Literary Titan

"If narratives infused with the fantastical elements reminiscent of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight, or The Mortal Instruments captivate you, this book is poised to be a delight. With raw depictions of trauma, innovative creature dynamics, and moments both heartwarming and heartbreaking, All I See Are Dark Clouds offers a compelling read." -Literary Titan ★★★★

Reader's Faorite

" a haunting tale that lingers in the mind, inviting readers to reflect on their own capacity for forgiveness and self-acceptance..." -Reader's Favorite (5-star review)

Firebird Book Award

3rd place for Young Adult Fiction

Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 08/2023
  • 979-8987074664 B0CD41GY5Q
  • 420 pages
  • $22.99
