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Alphamind: The Collective Consciousness
Adrian Silva is a young neuroscientist joining the team at Crestwood Research Institute, where they attempt to engineer revolutionary medical technology. A promising path appears until setbacks pile up, including a critical article poisoning public opinion, the loss of funding, and the director’s questionable motivations. A breakthrough arrives in the form of Alex Moor, a comatose brain injury patient who undergoes Adrian’s revolutionary treatment melding genetics, AI, and nano technology. This Patient Alpha awakens with inexplicable sensations amidst a profound transformation, becoming Alphamind. But a rival team creates a technological virtuoso of its own with profound capabilities, setting up a global clash with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Azinheira's intriguing work of sci-fi offers a timely exploration of AI, genetic engineering, and nano technology. 

Prose: The author has an assured prose style that brings a sense of verisimilitude to the storytelling. Some areas of the text are overly reliant on exposition, leaving less opportunity for readers to become organically immersed in the content, but the writing is clear and develops simmering tension throughout.

Originality: Alphamind: The Collective Consciousness provides unique insights on technological innovation (both its potentially paradigm-shifting benefits and its risks), and the human right to privacy and autonomy. 

Character/Execution: While there is less differentiation between the main characters than readers might expect, particularly given the complex nature of the subjects being explored, the author does offer some dynamic characteristics that add depth to the storytelling. 


Date Submitted: May 18, 2024

