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Joe Landwehr
Astrology in the Era of Uncertainty
Joe Landwehr, author
Many people with minimal knowledge of science and even less of astrology assume that astrology is a pseudoscience. The real story is more complex than that, as for thousands of years astronomy and astrology were inseparable. Only since the 17th century, has science disavowed the more imaginative, metaphysical and metaphorical dimensions of knowledge, which astrology retains. Because it does, astrology remains immensely popular despite the aggressive campaign against it by science and provides the sense of meaning and participation in a larger intelligent cosmos that science cannot. This book tells the story of the co-evolution of science and astrology, and shows what is possible in a postmodern era, where science itself has lost its certainty and some of its own credibility, and astrology is free to return to its mystical and mythopoetic roots.
