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Stephanie Stokes
The Kings and Priesthood of Inverness, under mounting pressure to expand into new lands by the peoples who look to them discover Avalla, a place with fertile land and natural resources which calls to them! A century after the Elders and Kings of Inverness opened the continent of Avalla for settlement, raiders and worse, corruption within the Kings and Nobles themselves begins to threaten unbalancing society by denying the rights of the people. How long does it take this sacred empire to collapse? That is what Audra, a priestess of great fortitude with unique powers thought to be obsolete is perilously fighting to NOT find out as agitation for control simmers and corruption slithers between Kings and Nobles. Most ambitious of them all, the false Merlin, Victor, manipulates Kings to seize power in a bid to subject the whole continent of Avalla, by masterfully fueling this anarchy. When the roots of the corruption is found to be within the Priesthood itself, Audra joins with the Elders to fight for the people and those she comes to love.
This ambitious fantasy from Stokes finds contemporary relevance in a sacred empire in decline, its foundations riven by greed and corruption, as a young woman, a disciple of the Priesthood, discovers that those with power are changing not just the law to benefit them but systems of belief—and what’s taught to disciples like herself. After a bright, inquisitive student is seemingly murdered, young Audra and several of her disciple friends suss out a possible wide-ranging conspiracy to limit the people’s knowledge of their rights, to reward those already wealthy, and to give total power to one of the local kings. More shocking still are betrayals among Audra’s cohort, and a plot to give an authority figure control over Audra’s most intimate power of all.

Stokes blends the epic and magic-school genres of fantasy with a chilling dash of the dystopian, capturing the early days of a “new society,” the jolting realization that the institutions one believes in have rotted, and the bold young women who recognize what’s coming and take steps to face it. The thoughtful but quick-paced story that follows will find Audra assuming an urgent leadership role, besting men in combat, experimenting in romance with a War Duke she at first takes for a fool, and eventually uncovering and facing an antagonist who’s willing to murder and torture in the name of power.

Adding to the novel’s resonance is the choice to set it in a continent that’s not fully settled by the prevailing powers, with mysterious “raiders” from the wild attacking civilization—and creating a pretext for the plotters’ limiting of freedoms. The dialogue tends toward the formal, action sometimes is wordy, and readers may wonder at some quite-earthly proper nouns: Merlin Arthur, Princess Cathy. For all the political and theological wrangling, though, Stokes pens a lively story of adventure, visions, surprises, and a young woman’s maturation, all building to a satisfying ending.

Takeaway: This inventive epic fantasy blends a coming-of-age with the dystopian.

Great for fans of: Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen series, Pierce Brown.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: B+
Marketing copy: B

