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Liam James Leaven
Because I F**king Said So
The toddler years are the hardest, they said. . . Then the precious little monsters began to talk. Soon they embraced this new superpower and discovered the most feared word in the English language—the one that every parent dreads . . . “WHYYYY!?” “Why can’t we stay?” “Why can’t we go?” “Why not right now?” “Why not one more?” “Why, why, why….?” This adult bedtime book is for the parent in your life who’s gripping onto the last threads of their sanity. Because when no answer is good enough… And the questions just won’t stop… Only one response will do… “BECAUSE I F**KING SAID SO!” Irreverent, heartwarming, and snort-inducingly hilarious, Because I Fucking Said So is a rhyming picture book that captures the essence of parenthood: A rollercoaster ride of joy and exhaustion, triumph and frustration, and ultimately, love.
