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Dap Dahlstrom
Chronicles of the Drakyn War

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Wren changes everyone she meets, yet lacks a child’s ability to draw a flame out of air or transform a stick into a butterfly.

On Drakonia, where the shapeshifting drakyn rule with an iron claw, Wren survives without the basic skill of transmogrifee, living by her wits and a lot of luck. Taken captive by a drakyn warrior to serve as his cook, her troubles are only beginning. Wren must escape the drakyn fortress to save a companion from death in a drakyn blood farm. Her fortunes appear to change when she discovers a device that could annihilate every drakyn on the planet, but the gift comes with a catch. With time running out, will Wren use her newfound power to save humanity, or will her actions cause the apocalypse?

