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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9781774584712
  • 276 pages
  • $19.95
Community of Leaders: What It Takes to Drive Strategy, Culture, and Change
With his new book, Community of Leaders, New York Times bestselling author Vince Molinaro breaks down why having a strong leadership culture in your organization is critical, how to build it, and how to sustain it for long term success. By detailing accessible strategies as well as common complications, Vince gives you the practical tools you need to help accelerate the creation of community in your organization. With real-world stories and researched statistics, you get a glimpse into community-based leadership in action and will understand exactly how it can benefit your team and your business. Leadership is best executed with collaboration in mind. If you’re ready to transform the leadership culture in your organization to foster a strong community, this is the place to start.
In this comprehensive-yet-pragmatic guide to leadership, community, and the impact that a community of leaders can make on work culture, Molinaro (author of Accountable Leaders and CEO of Leadership Contract Inc.) makes a persuasive case by digging into fresh research data, professional case studies, and personal anecdotes. The importance of building a “strong community of accountable leaders across your organization”—and each member playing their part—is demonstrated throughout, as Molinaro lays out actionable steps to improving and molding a highly effective management team that yields results.

Molinaro’s conception of leadership is clarifying and inspiring. He defines it as a decision, an obligation, hard work, and also a community, and he stresses the importance of a community of leaders in a world of ever-changing consumer needs and technological advancements where “companies need to reassess and alter their business models to maintain competitiveness.” A guide to ten characteristics of a strong community leader is illuminating as Molinaro emphasizes the importance of "breaking down silos,” presenting a united front and one-company mindset, and celebrating success and key milestones, all as a community and within both the leadership team and the entire organization. Especially helpful: Molinaro's lists of potential “blockers” of the development of community (cliques; tolerators of mediocrity; making things personal), which block progress and success, and community “accelerators,” (“support leaders who join the community”; promote cross-team sharing and transparency), which fast track progress and success amongst the community of leaders.

Community of Leaders is an inspiring, easy-to-follow guide to building a productive and effective leadership team that works together toward a common goal. Molinaro pairs a convincing exploration of why this kind of leadership is ideal for contemporary businesses with a wealth of hard-won and practical knowledge for building and maintaining such teams, all written in a direct, inviting tone.

Takeaway: Concise how-to guide on building leadership communities that point to success.

Comparable Titles: Howard Partridge's The Power of Community, Thomas J. Sergiovanni's The Lifeworld of Leadership.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9781774584712
  • 276 pages
  • $19.95
