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Paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • 979-8989504800 BOD1KQQRVT
  • 388 pages
  • $13.99
RJ Stewart
Crazy Hawk
RJ Stewart, Author

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Deirdre Buford, age 25, lives for one purpose: to find her sister, Mindy, age 14. The Buford sisters are members of a tribe of raiders who call themselves the Hussars. Mindy had been kidnapped while patrolling the rim of Hussar valley in Pacifica, formerly California. Riding her Soul Horse, Danny, Deirdre relentlessly pursues the kidnappers through an America wrecked by the Great Virus, the Great Famine, endless civil war and the Breakdown, a global collapse of world order. Circumstances force her to ally with a nomadic photographer, Jube, age 29. His gentle decency moves her to the core, but her mission leads her away from the man she’s falling in love with and toward a confrontation with the people who hold her sister, the Bees, a culture dedicated to reviving the lost technology of the 21st century. They’ve been kidnapping children for genetic experimentation. To defeat them, she’ll need the help of the powerful Nations, a league of indigenous tribes. But there’s a problem. The Nations consider Deirdre a deadly enemy. They’ve even given her a nickname that signifies their grudging respect for this ferocious adversary. Crazy Hawk. Fortunately, Deirdre is able to bond with a bold Apache woman, Siki. Together they try to mold an alliance of peoples dedicated to stopping the ominous advance of the Bees’ formidable army.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Crazy Hawk is a tense and involving post-apocalyptic mystery thriller with an intriguing and captivating storyline. In a world plagued by death and disease, Stewart's vision of a fractured society is spearheaded by the emotionally complex character of Deirdre Buford as she seeks to overcome brutal tribes and traffickers in a bid to find her kidnapped sister.

Prose: Stewart's text benefits from meticulous description which effectively transmits the atmosphere and personality of his characters and setting. His incredible attention to detail emphasizes the desolate imagery of a crumbling Southern California landscape as well as the characters' unique character traits and idiosyncrasies.

Originality: Crazy Hawk is a riveting post-apocalyptic mystery thriller with well rounded characters and a keen eye for detail. It features several scenes of gripping and powerful dramatic tension from the very start and rarely takes it foot off the gas.

Character/Execution: Stewart's characters are diverse and convincing, particularly protagonist Deirdre Buford, as she traverses an intimidating apocalyptic landscape in search of her kidnapped sister. The characters have real emotional depth and their interactions are bolstered by sharp and dynamic dialogue.

Date Submitted: July 08, 2024

Foreword Clarion Reviews

"An exhilarating story about love and family set in a postapocalyptic landscape...The ubiquity of black-powder guns, horses, and outlaws gives this future-set novel the intriguing flavor of a Western, as do its gritty scenes of graphic violence. Though its pacing is frenetic, the story is exhilarating: bullets are shot through eyes, bones are broken, and wounds heal over time if at all. Meanwhile, people's relationships evolve in unexpected ways; all are complex."-FOREWORD CLARION REVIEWS

Kirkus Reviews

 A riveting futuristic tale of global ruin and rescue…Stewart constructs a chilling, barren world and suspensefully chronicles Deirdre’s mission…This is a thoroughly absorbing book, one filled with thrilling action and psychologically subtle character portrayal. 

Paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • 979-8989504800 BOD1KQQRVT
  • 388 pages
  • $13.99
