Plot: After the sudden death of her brother, Dex, Malaya begins seeing other people's deaths in her dreams--including her brother's, which is beginning to seem suspicious after all. And after a coincidental meeting with a (sexy) PI named Jude, Malaya's life gets a lot more complicated as she is sucked into a plot involving those she cares about the most--a dangerous game that she and Jude must navigate as they continue to navigate their feelings for one another.
Prose: Weaver's prose gets the job done with fast-paced, old-fashioned storytelling--engaging the reader, and making them want more.
Originality: A PI and his partner/girlfriend trying to solve an unusual case while also trying hard to resist their feelings for each other--while not terribly original, it's engaging and great fun. Malaya's abilities add a layer of freshness to the story.
Character/Execution: The chemistry between Malaya and Jude is undeniable (and even outright smacks the reader in the face at times), however, their dynamic adds both interest and suspense to the story. Villains are deserving of somewhat more development. Nevertheless, this remains a deeply entertaining page-turner of a novel and readers will undoubtedly be anxious for the next book.
Date Submitted: April 07, 2022