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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9780648894681
  • 152 pages
  • $20.99
Maria P Frino
Edward's Cat
Edward has a twin sister, or rather had until cancer took Milly away from them. Edward lives with his mother, Vanessa. His father was also taken by cancer when he and Milly were young. His mother had returned to work and beginning a life without her husband when Milly was diagnosed. She and Edward know about grief and their sadness was compounded because Milly was only ten when she passed. During Year 6, Edward is terrorised by Chase and his cronies, but thankfully they don't follow him to his new high school. But this isn't the end of being bullied, Buster and his gang are waiting for the geeks who arrive at Redman High in Year 7. Edward enlists the help of other geeks like him, and along with his friend Trudi and another unexpected helper, they give back as much as they receive. Edward, as Milly the Cat and along with all the geeks, does his best to stop the bullies and teach others how to stand up to this abuse. This magical realism story is for young adult readers from ten years of age up to adults who enjoy stories that involve magic. It is a coming-of-age story that shows how grief can be debilitating but with time, life can return as does happiness. Edward uses his power for good making good friends along the way while becoming the person he wants to be.

I read this novella and wanted more. I now hear the author is writing a series, which is great. I look forward to reading the next books, Edward's Cat Book 1 was enjoyable, so I'm expecting more from the next books.


United Kingdom


Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9780648894681
  • 152 pages
  • $20.99
