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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9780648894698
  • 148 pages
  • $18.99
Maria P Frino
Edward's Cat. The Rise of the Kittens. And a Dog. (Edwards Cat. the Rise of the Kittens. and a Dog.)
This is book two of the Edward's Cat Trilogy. The first book is - Edward's Cat. A Magical Tale of Edward, his Twin and a Cat. Edward is now married and a father. He is on the committee of the A-Alliance, the secret magical society. Logan, his son, can transform into a cat like his father. Logan is also bullied at school like his father was. See how Logan, along with Jack and Chloe, his almost cousin, fight bullies by transforming into kittens first, then cats along with a dog (Jack transforms into a Jack Russell). Logan has lots to worry about with being bullied, but he also worries about his father being bullied out of the A-Alliance.
Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9780648894698
  • 148 pages
  • $18.99
