Plot: Cole‘s sound thriller focuses on the machinations of a dubious self-help organization. There are more contrivances than many readers will have an appetite for, but the timely concept is abundantly intriguing.
Prose: While the prose is not entirely memorable, the author is a capable writer who integrates clear descriptions with solid dialogue and dynamic action.
Originality: The opening section throws the reader in the deep end, as a woman desperately flees a castle. This immediately establishes a sense of uncertainty and suspense, albeit one that is not fully sustained throughout the book.
Character/Execution: The lead is authentic, likable, and carries enough baggage to intrigue readers and lend gravity to her encounters with Everchange and its deceptions. The charismatic cult leader is less established, while the celebrities aren't well-defined enough to make their drinking of the koolaid entirely plausible.
Date Submitted: August 06, 2020