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Amanda Crowell
Great Work
Why is it that our Great Work—the work that matters the most to us—is the first thing to go when we get busy? How can we finally prioritize our Great Work? And, most importantly, how can we do our Great Work without sacrificing everything else that matters? Dr. Amanda Crowell combines cutting-edge cognitive psychology with years of experience coaching, to distill a simple process that anyone can use. Refreshingly hopeful, the Great Work method will help you: Make time and space for the work that matters the most to you Discover and explore your Great Work Avoid the three horsemen of the goalpocalypse: burnout, procrastination, and perfectionism Enjoy a life full of both Great Work and the rest of what makes life beautiful In this short, delightful book, Dr. Crowell convinces us that we can do Great Work without sacrificing everything else.
Targeted to anyone who finds themselves wondering “what do I do next,” Crowell’s inviting guide helps turn overcommitted, exhausted readers into productive and engaged dream-followers. Combining personal anecdotes, concrete examples, and step- instructions, this guide creates a clear and actionable strategy for those who wish to find deeper meaning in their lives and careers. The first step, of course, is identifying what each individual’s personal “great work” might be, from writing a novel to becoming a doctor to raising their children. Once a person’s great work is identified, they are instructed on how to reduce their daily burdens through things like setting boundaries, refusing or delegating non-critical tasks, and moving personal projects that don’t contribute to the overall objective at this time to “medium-term parking.”

The writing is clear and easy to follow, the tone expert and encouraging without being condescending, and the reasoning behind her methods sound and persuasive as Crowell guides readers through creating concrete goals, making an action plan, and how to identify and embrace their own personal work styles and habits. Though she emphasizes that “great works” do not have to be related to jobs or even what we might traditionally think of as “productive,” her examples tend to focus on those areas. Still, her coaching should be applicable to most enterprises, as she offers lessons about facing and conquering self-doubt, procrastination, and other forms of “defensive failure” in favor of taking action and learning from the inevitable “productive failures” that result.

Readers seeking motivation, direction in life, or even simply a starting point for their ambitions may find this clear, practical guide a helpful place to start. She frequently references the journals she has published to complement this guide, though Great Work itself is sufficient for those who are motivated and determined to put her plans into action in their own lives.

Takeaway: A clear, inviting self-help guide for finding and achieving your “great work.”

Great for fans of: Erica Wernick’s Meant for This, Bob Goff’s Dream Big.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

