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Ebook Details
  • 05/2017
  • 978-0998863825 B072C8QNJR
  • 243 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 05/2017
  • 978-0998863832
  • 241 pages
  • $13.95
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2018
  • 978-0998863863
  • 241 pages
  • $25.95
Melanie Lageschulte
Harvest Season (book 2)

The right road will always lead you home. But how do you know which path to choose? As late summer fades into fall, Melinda’s efforts at her rented farmhouse are starting to bear fruit. She’s learned to preserve produce, outsmart some stubborn chickens and wrangle a flock of spoiled sheep. She revels in the peace she's found in the country, where time is marked by morning-fresh eggs and stunning sunsets. But even in the small town of Prosper, nothing stays the same. One member of the hardware store’s coffee group shares a startling announcement, and a trip back to the city makes Melinda realize how deep her roots run in rural Iowa. When autumn's changing winds bring new opportunities, will she seek the security of her old life or take a chance on an uncertain future? Escape to the heartland with this refreshing rural series!

"Harvest Season" paperbacks now available through Ingram

"Growing Season" and its sequel, "Harvest Season," are now available for purchase through Ingram's distribution system, providing libraries and bookstores easier access to these titles. Both novels carry a retail price of $13.95 through Ingram. Paperbacks for both titles, as well as Kindle ebooks, continue to be available on Amazon.

Third and fourth books coming in the series!

Can't get enough of Melinda's adventures in the country? Watch for the next books in the series, "Peaceful Season" and "Waiting Season," coming this fall in paperback and ebook!

Ebook Details
  • 05/2017
  • 978-0998863825 B072C8QNJR
  • 243 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 05/2017
  • 978-0998863832
  • 241 pages
  • $13.95
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2018
  • 978-0998863863
  • 241 pages
  • $25.95
