Plot: The authors recount the colorful and complex life story of a man who straddled and frequently crossed the line between good guy and villain. Despite the necessary brevity of the graphic novel format, the author is still able to hold the reader's interest.
Prose: Grand and Berman capably move the story forward, keeping the reader engaged throughout. While the artwork is vibrant and the story worthy of recounting, a traditional format might have offered the opportunity for a greater richness of detail. Though the story is somewhat abbreviated in this format, the narrative remains impactful.
Originality: Between the original storyline, an atypical approach to biography, and unique and effective artwork, this work is creative and distinctive.
Character/Execution: The authors' characterizations are strong. Joey's upbringing is particularly vivid on the page, particularly when it comes to depictions of his mother's cruelty.
Date Submitted: January 06, 2023