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Scarlet Gomez
How I Remember It
The narrator takes the reader through an excavation of memories to understand just how she had ended up so unhappy. The narrator, a Dominican queer woman, is caught between the heartbreaking end of a 5-year relationship with her ex-girlfriend and the love-bombing glamor of her new love. He effortlessly charms her Christian family through his connection with God and his music, earning himself a permanent fixture in their daily lives. Things move quickly between them. They begin to plan their lives together, even as she comes to realize the depth of his jealous and controlling nature. To make matters worse, she finds herself helplessly drawn to a woman she meets at a waitressing gig she picks up the same summer she becomes engaged to him. After moving out of their childhood homes, it does not take long for her to see things for what they truly are–a dysfunctional, toxic marriage, littered with secrets, dishonesty, and never ending cycles. To escape, our narrator needs to make the difficult choices, even if it means losing everything she knows.
