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Ebook Details
  • 04/2021
  • 9781736739464
  • 46 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2021
  • 9781736739440
  • 46 pages
  • $12.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 04/2021
  • 9781736739457
  • 46 pages
  • $22.99
Barbara Woster
I Am Proud of Who I Am: I hope you are too (Book Four)
B. Woster, author

Middle Grade; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

This is book four in a 15-book series in which students learn about different places across the globe through letters written by characters from each place. This series is intended to bridge the gap across cultures, to demonstrate that we are all people, no matter where we were born or live. Featured: American Somoa, Bandladesh, Belarus, California_USA, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Greenland, Indonesia, Kenya, Maldives, Morocco, Netherlands, New Jersey_USA, Oklahoma_USA, Panama, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Taiwan, Virgin Islands

C. Lampos

This is the fourth book in this series in which characters write letters to introduce themselves and their cultures. The goal of this author is to help break down the stereotypes among people that seperate us. What is need is to find that all people are more alike than they are different. The target audience is young people in the hopes that they will discover how to relate to so many people who are really going through similar events in life. The illustrations are fantastic. A set of these well researched books should be in every library and school. Productive discussions could result from the reading of these books.

Christy Burbridge

I'm embarrassed to admit that this book is aimed at kids, but it's full of information about the world that I didn't know (and probably 'should' know) as an adult! For instance, that Panama uses US currency, and how Saudi Arabia gets their water. What's also great about this book is the emphasis on careers and the wide variety of career ideas featured. The chapters, though PACKED with information, are short; which makes it a non-overwhelming read. I left this book wanting to check out her other books!

Joi Kelly

This book is educational and entertaining. I enjoyed reading the stories of different countries and states and learning fun facts. It felt as though I was on a journey myself. This is a must read for kids and should be in schools.

Rose Anderson

This is truly a lovely book that will surely broaden young readers' horizons as it introduces them to fascinating friends around the world. I'm a big traveler and a few of these places are familiar to me, so it was fun to revisit them. In these times of so much global strife, it's wonderful to find ways to bring us closer together.

Ebook Details
  • 04/2021
  • 9781736739464
  • 46 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2021
  • 9781736739440
  • 46 pages
  • $12.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 04/2021
  • 9781736739457
  • 46 pages
  • $22.99
