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Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9781736473122 B0CW1LN193
  • 387 pages
  • $15.00
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 978-1-7364731-3-9 B0CW1LN193
  • 387 pages
  • $7.99
L.E. DeLano
In the Dark of a Dream
L.E. DeLano, author
The recent death of her father has upended J.J. Ashford’s life, granting custody to her estranged mother, and moving her halfway around the world to an island owned by the secretive, high-security biotech company that her parents co-founded. To make things even worse, J.J. suffers from night terrors and since arriving on the island they’ve become a horrifying nightly ordeal. Trapped in nightmare battle scenarios with a group of soldiers, she soon realizes these are more than random dreams. The most frightening discovery of all is that J.J. may be the only hope for her squad—and the only one who can set them free.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 10 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 9.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: In The Dark Of A Dream is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror novel about J.J., a teenage girl who just lost her father, finds herself in the custody of her long-absent mother, and is now trapped on a secluded island owned by a mysterious biotech company. If that wasn't stressful enough, she endures increasingly horrific night terrors which might not be mere nightmares, and finds herself an unwitting test subject for unscrupulous experiments.

Prose: DeLano's prose is engaging and filled with lively descriptions. Her dialogue is light and realistic, especially for the teenagers. The author also manages to slip in lots of lighter, hilarious moments, a good trick given the seriousness of J.J.'s situation. And it all starts with a killer opening sentence: "Let's begin with your death."

Originality: In The Dark Of A Dream pulls together multiple threads, succeeding as a book about a teenager mourning her father and resentful of her mother; about a shadowy biotech company; and about a squad of desperate soldiers doing all they can to survive in the face of annihilation.

Character/Execution: J.J. is everything a teenage heroine struggling with adolescence should be: sarcastic, serious, loving, hateful, overwhelmed and underwhelmed, brave and terrified, resentful, and remorseful. The author also shows us J.J.'s growth throughout the novel. Her friends and squad-mates (Rio, Shadow, Beast, Chef, Sarge, etc.) have their own distinct personalities, as do J.J.'s parents (even her deceased father), and the villains are suitably awful without coming off as cartoonish.

Date Submitted: August 16, 2024


This was fantastic! Not a dull moment! Absolutely loved everyone! Will be reading this again! Btw this was a giveaways win and oh boy was it a win!!!

- Kindle Customer


What an excellent sci-fi thriller. Packed with strong characters, an intriguing concept, and plenty of thrilling twists, this is a novel that exemplifies what solid YA sci-fi can be. I really enjoyed the depth we got both in the real world and the not so real one. I don't want to give too much away. This reminded me, in some ways, of some of Michael Crichton's books, but easier to digest. I have loved every release from DeLano so far and I'm so excited to add this book to my collection.

-Nathaniel (Goodreads)


I liked this book, it was a nice blend of thriller and sci-fi, geared toward the YA reader. I think that those readers will enjoy the teenage angst aspects of this book more than me, but there were themes of dealing with grief and loss which appeals to all readers of all ages. The plot was very clever and draws the reader into the mix of characters and the complex narrative of the story.

- Kevin (Goodreads)


This is a great Sci fi thriller. A little touch of Hunger Games, with a very inventive and unique story. Well written with great characters that keeps you interested until the end. I received an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

- Christine (Goodreads)

Paperback Book Details
  • 04/2024
  • 9781736473122 B0CW1LN193
  • 387 pages
  • $15.00
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 978-1-7364731-3-9 B0CW1LN193
  • 387 pages
  • $7.99
