Land of the Haunted Dolls
Susan Whigham, author
A horror drama about an FBI agent who doesn't believe in the paranormal and she's about to have her beliefs tested. Five word synopsis: Detective battles supernatural and skepticism.
The story has characters of many different races and religions, and is also LGBTQ-inclusive. It has some food for thought on the topics of trauma and addiction. Not for the diversity-intolerant.
Crystal Joyce on Goodreads
As someone who loves stories that include magic, hauntings, Voodoo, and Gullah, this book doesn't disappoint. I was captivated from the beginning and it kept me enchanted until the end.
Sarah King on Amazon
Love reading these characters! Overall I was very happy with both the plot and the characters but the characters are why I gave it the (five star) rating. The plot lost me for a little but got me back in. I will suggest it to anyone looking at these reviews!!