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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9781945548284
  • 286 pages
  • $15.99
Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • B0CQM6BZ21
  • 250 pages
  • $5.99
Jennifer R. Donohue
Learn to Howl
When a football player follows her home from an illicit party, preacher's daughter Allie unmasks a secret her mama has been trying to pray away for almost seventeen years. The women in their family are werewolves. All except for Allie's mama. To protect her normal life, Allie's mama dumps her off in the wilderness with three aunts she's never heard of, let alone met. But Allie hardly has a chance to find her bearings among these strangers who are family before somebody kidnaps them and burns down their ancestral home. Allie has one high-speed road trip with her wolfier-than-thou cousin, Morgan, to learn how to make her way in a world she never knew existed.
Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9781945548284
  • 286 pages
  • $15.99
Ebook Details
  • 03/2024
  • B0CQM6BZ21
  • 250 pages
  • $5.99
