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Robert E. Kearns
No Snakes in Hell

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

Frederick Lemon, because of a charming and manipulative personality gains control of a Pentecostal church in the remoteness of west Texas. He has a fascination with snakes and soon incorporates them into his sermons. Upon increasing his stronghold over his flock, Lemon sets about convincing them he is a Messiah figure. Then, establishing a cult, he siphons off all the women to establish a new Eden. No Snakes in Hell, is a masterful short story from Robert E. Kearns in which he examines how a charismatic preacher with less than pure motives, can make his congregation believe almost anything.
Readers' Favorite

Reviewed by Bryone Peters for Readers' Favorite

No Snakes in Hell by Robert E. Kearns will leave you spellbound with awe at the audacity and deception of the protagonist, Frederick Lemon. Lemon loves snakes. He always loves being around church people because of their inability to detect fraud. He sees the church and the Christian religion as a joke. After graduating from university, he targets a group of Christian worshippers to take advantage of them. He believes them to be highly gullible. He has no feelings of guilt or remorse toward others. This trait makes it easy for him to manipulate the worshippers using trickery involving showmanship and his exotic pet snakes. However, what you reap, you sow. He gains full power over his followers. Will the craziness ever end?

Kearns is a magnificent storyteller. He begins the story by describing events in Lemon’s childhood that shaped his perspective as an adult. The pace of events is good. The author successfully grabbed my full attention because of the honest introduction that made me want to see how it all panned out. Kearns is a skillful storyteller because of the human emotions the protagonist evokes when he uses blasphemous tactics. The story also caused outrage in me at the Christians who fall victim to the deception. However, the absurdity of the main character provided comedic relief. No Snakes in Hell by Robert E. Kearns is full of drama and will leave you anxiously reading to see how it ends. It is a page-turner and an entertaining and worthwhile read.

