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S.G. Browne
S.G. Browne, author
An hour-and-a-half north of Las Vegas sits Wilder, Nevada – a small desert town with all the providence of a morgue. Death is an accepted consequence in a place that breeds boredom and desperation, but the residents of Wilder have grown accustomed to more than their share of misfortune. 28-year-old Sean McIntyre suffers from an undiagnosed obsessive-compulsive disorder that has instilled an irrational fear of germs, taking over his life and cultivating a chorus of whispers that questions his ability to separate reason from madness. Those whispers grow louder when Sean begins to see phantom shapes at the edges of his vision. Believing the phantoms to be a delusional product of his obsession, Sean reveals what he's seen to no one. Meanwhile, people he's known all of his life begin to commit aberrant and profane acts. While the local gossips offer theories for the recent outbreak of bizarre behavior, no one but Sean sees the dark figures that inhabit a growing number of townspeople. As he struggles to maintain his sanity, Sean begins to wonder if the phantoms are real, if they are demons or perhaps evil spirits from the afterlife. He soon comes to learn that Wilder exists on the edge of another dimension and the chemical imbalance which created his OCD has allowed him to see into that dimension, to see the creatures who dwell there, who are breaking through the barrier between the worlds.
