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William Shaw
On the Run
William Shaw, author
When a rural Irish farmer is arrested as a terrorist at the Northern Ireland border, it fractures his family. Husband, wife, and son are forced to face their isolation and loss before each gains the courage to confront and defeat their fears and their enemies.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: On the Run is a taut and unnerving historical thriller set between Ireland and the USA at the time of the Troubles. Against the backdrop of IRA bombings and a tense social landscape, Shaw's novel shines a light on the harsh political unrest and unforgiving prison life of the time.

Prose: Shaw's text is peppered with fabulous passages of description that effectively transmit the geographical landscape. The stunning imagery is interspersed with the grim realities of prison life and undeniable tragedy in a book that packs a real emotional punch.

Originality: On the Run is an engrossing and effective novel which captures the tense atmosphere that permeated the Irish sociopolitical landscape in the late 70s. Shaw's historical fiction is woven together with effective sports writing and strong family dramatization to create an all-encompassing and engrossing storyline.

Character/Execution: On the Run's acutely realized family life is one of its main strengths, the great emotional depth in the characters' relationships having a profound impact on the reader. The portrayal of protagonist Terence, convicted for terrorist activity in the aftermath of the assassination of Lord Mountbatten, is particularly affecting.

Blurb: A compelling historical thriller.

Date Submitted: June 28, 2024

