“Kurr's second installment in his magical series blends mystical-realism into a satiating and inspiring world of fantasy. His dynamic characters, genuine knowledge of occult practices, and deep wisdom for the human experience make this is a must-read for the seasoned practitioner and esoterically-curious alike.”
A triumph, reaching deep into the world of witchcraft and its possibilities. Kurr’s second novel is imaginative, with realistic characterization and a true sense of moral code. A gripping storyline, which I dare you to put down once started. His passion shines through, with exquisite attention to detail on subject knowledge, and a deep sense of understanding of the witchcraft community. Expect the unexpected, all is not what it seems. This novel is magical, creative and will fascinate those new to the witchy world alongside the experienced witch community and non-witches alike. In short, a must-read, both enchanting and delicious.