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GG Collins
Reluctant Medium
GG Collins, author
Reporter Rachel Blackstone bungles a Native American ritual to return the dead. Instead of the father she believes was murdered, an evil spirit returns. Worse yet, Rachel is seeing ghosts. While some are helpful, others lead her astray. Problem? She can’t always tell them apart. Where does the spirit wolf fit in? She turns to a Hopi shaman and her best friend Chloe to help her solve the mystery. One thing is certain; this bad-ass spirit has got to go back!

I really enjoyed this book! This book kept me up way too late. I can't wait for the next one!


The blending of Native American Shamanism with investigative reporting and the emotions of family lead the reader down the streets of Santa Fe to try to solve the mystery of her Father's untimely death. With the help of friends Rachel Blackstone, a Santa Fe reporter, uncovers clues both in the physical and spiritual world. After an evil spirit is released by mistake, Rachel must develop her spiritual strength to defeat and send the spirit back to where he belongs.
The author, G G Collins, seems to have researched the locations, culture and shaministic beliefs well. The story kept my interest and also incorporated the bond between animals and humans, which was a very nice touch.
I can only hope we will be able to share more adventures with Rachel in the future.

