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Rogue Knight
Regan Walker, author
York, England 1069… three years after the Norman Conquest The North of England seethes with discontent under the heavy hand of William the Conqueror, who unleashes his fury on the rebels who dare to defy him. Amid the ensuing devastation, love blooms in the heart of a gallant Norman knight for a Yorkshire widow. A LOVE NEITHER CAN DENY, A PASSION NEITHER CAN RESIST Angry at the cruelty she has witnessed at the Normans’ hands, Emma of York is torn between her loyalty to her noble Danish father, a leader of the rebels, and her growing passion for an honorable French knight. Loyal to King William, Sir Geoffroi de Tournai has no idea Emma hides a secret that could mean death for him and his fellow knights. WAR DREW THEM TOGETHER, WAR WOULD TEAR THEM APART War erupts, tearing asunder the tentative love growing between them, leaving each the enemy of the other. Will Sir Geoffroi, convinced Emma has betrayed him, defy his king to save her?
William the Conqueror earned his name, and the true and devastating force of his powerful army leaps from the pages of Walker’s second Medieval Warriors romance (after The Red Wolf’s Prize). Emma of York, a well-off widow, nurtures orphaned children and maidens raped by Norman soldiers. She’s surprised when Sir Geoffroi de Tournai, one of King William’s soldiers, repeatedly protects her and her family even as his army threatens to burn their home, salt their land, and steal their food, a threat hanging over the entire city. After Sir Geoffroi realizes he’s drawn to beautiful Emma, he refuses to sever their connection, believing that for the Normans to truly become part of English society, they will have to marry into the community. But Emma’s father, a Danish noble and formerly an important leader in York, leads a rebellion that could threaten them both. Walker’s detailed historical research enhances the time and place of this story without losing sight of what is essential to a romance: chemistry between the leads and hope for the future. (BookLife)
