Plot: Iovino keeps the mystery at full-throttle with this inventive and infectious science fiction adventure. This is a truly unique story that holds the reader in its grip and refuses to let go until the very end.
Prose/Style: Iovino's accessible yet deft vernacular goes a long way towards making Skybound an innately engaging read that is sure to have readers turning page after page in order to decipher the mysteries lying at the story's center.
Originality: By playing its cards close to its chest and eschewing the sci-fi genre's penchant for grandiose explanation, Iovino's Skybound wields its mystery with all the expertise of a master swordsman, creating and actualizing a truly unique and well thought out story.
Character Development/Execution: Iovino's cast is perfectly assembled and well-realized for the narrative in which they are thrust, even if some of them are pulled from shallower waters than others.
Blurb: An inventive and infectious science-fiction offering, Iovino's Skybound offers up some of the best the genre can offer with its unique concept and potent dedication to its themes and mission statement. Mystery is the name of the game here, and Iovino wields it expertly to keep the pages turning.
Date Submitted: June 07, 2021