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Seth Bornstein
Swimming to Jerusalem
Bram Goodman was the coolest, most confident and self-assured guy in New York City – or so he thought. A few years later he is anything but. The story opens on the French Riviera where he is finishing up a summer gig as a swimming instructor. It is six-thirty in the morning and his roommate is singing off key to the Clash. Pulling the sheet over his head he ponders what comes next. Thirty-two years later the “next” has happened. Despite any grand plan, Bram’s life took its course. He met Liz – who did have a grand plan – and he goes along for the ride. Alternating between past and present, Swimming to Jerusalem is the story of that journey. This includes the family he never imagined, a career he fell into, and memories that are like rogue waves, strong and unexpected. Everything can change in a heartbeat. But the past never does. We know that memory should be a reference, not a residence – though sometimes that just isn’t possible.
