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Terry Ann Fernando
The Accidental Bird Dog
Terry Ann Fernando had no interest in getting a dog until her husband Chris persuaded her otherwise. They eventually decided on a Vizsla, an uncommon breed known for its intelligence, sweet nature, and bird-hunting abilities. Zara, their new puppy, didn’t show a strong inclination for hunting when she was young, and Chris and Terry Ann had no interest in hunting either. When she was two years old, Zara’s breeder encouraged Terry Ann to enter her into a beginner-level hunt test. With minimal training, Zara excelled, and Terry Ann was impressed. She decided to continue training Zara for advanced competitions even though she had no experience. As a novice, she struggled to figure out how to train Zara and find people to help. Over a period of several years, she worked tirelessly to help Zara become a solid bird dog. She suffered multiple setbacks along the way but kept going. Along the way, Terry Ann discovered her passion for dog training, hunting, and competing in dog sports. Eventually, Zara and Terry Ann reached a level of success that seemed impossible in the beginning.
