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Paperback Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9781777724078
  • 474 pages
  • $24.00
T.J.S. Hayes
The Casur of the Isles
T.J.S. Hayes, author
Volume Two of The Song of the Francs recounts the youth of Charles, first of his name. Following the tragic events of the Tournament of Tours recounted in volume one, the boy who is destined to lead his people is cast away at the far edge of the world. There he must come of age and find his purpose as a Guardian of the Innocents. Across the lands of Eriu, Scotia, Alba, and Cambria, perilous adventures await Casur, Fingin the Fiend, and the crew of Saint Michael's Revenge.
Paperback Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9781777724078
  • 474 pages
  • $24.00
