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Jane Catherine Rozek
The Celestial Proposal: Our Invitation to Join the God Kind

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

Are you world-weary? Do you sense there’s more to life than what you see? Do you want to co-create a better future for yourself and your world? God offers you a plan, a "Celestial Proposal," for you to align with a Higher Power and access supernatural power! Jane Catherine Rozek’s book on Christian Spirituality presents a new paradigm for a Twenty-first Century powerful faith answering the big questions in life: Who are we and why is our world such a mess? God’s plan for our purpose is defined in a bold new perspective, referencing biblical concepts without religious terminology. This how-to handbook gives precise steps to develop a quantum leap belief system to back the power of your words in the spiritual realm, and manifest them into today’s physical reality. The Celestial Proposal is an easily read how-to manual for a New Age generation of un-churched believers and those with spiritual hunger!

ForeWord Reviews

Identifying faith as a force for shifting manifest reality, Jane Catherine Rozek untethers Bible verses from their historic, traditional moorings. This mash-up of Bible + sci fi + metaphysics has introduced new lines of thought for meditation and consideration. -ForeWord Reviews 


Kirkus Reviews

A passionate rereading of Christianity and the nature of personal faith...Familiar concepts, sure, but Rozek's unconventional perspective makes them seem invigoratingly new." -Kirkus Reviews

