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The Co-Captain's Log
The Co-Captain's Log is travelogue in the form of an epistolary novel. The reader travels with Katherine and Andrés on the 34-foot sailboat, Ana María, as they sail from Seattle to Mexico, French Polynesia, American Samoa, Tonga and finally New Zealand. Written primarily for a non-sailing audience, the stories in The Co-Captain's Log are as much about adventure in general, relationships, exploration of new cultures as they are about sailing, kayaking, and hiking. The reading experience includes a free immersive multimedia experience (starting on page 182) that incorporates audio, video, photos, and the newsletter trend that is especially hot right now. Also included is a discussion guide designed to foster lively discussion in book clubs, book club resources (available on publication date), and resources for kids (available on publication date). Note: The multimedia Pacific Crossing experience (starting on page 182) is in beta testing and will be available in its entirety on publication date. We hope the reviewer will enjoy it in its beta test form, understanding features are still being added and improvements are still being made.
