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Robert E. Kearns
The Cries of Manor Lannigan

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

On the night of a fierce storm, Reilly seeks refuge from the elements in the imposing abode of Manor Lannigan. There, over dinner, the current Lord recounts the tale of his ancestors Alice and Edward. When Lannigan's story ends and bedtime beckons, will it all end well for Reilly? With Five Stars from Readers' Favorite, The Cries of Manor Lannigan is a marvelous and haunting tale of the supernatural that will linger in the imagination long after you've finished reading.
Readers' Favorite

Reviewed by Michelle Stanley for Readers' Favorite

The Cries of Manor Lannigan is a short story by Robert Kearns. After traveling in stormy weather late one night, fatigued Reilly can’t believe his luck when he is offered food and shelter at Manor Lannigan. While dining, Lord Lannigan tells his guest a shocking story about his great-grandparents, Alice and Edward. Edward was a cunning and cruel man who married Alice for self-interested reasons. Her sad, tragic life affected future generations of the family, as well as visitors who came to the manor. Eventually, Reilly is escorted to his room and settles in for the night. Unaccustomed to sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings with creepy sounds that the ancient mansion makes, he can’t wait to leave this strange place in the morning. Little does Reilly know it’s only the beginning of his nightmare.

What a haunting, beautifully written story by Robert Kearns. I can’t imagine how miserable Alice’s life must have been, despite the attempts she made for a happier one. Lord Lannigan is a charming host who will not turn away strangers in need. Reilly is a pleasant, easy-going person. I found the writing format a bit-fashioned, but still easily understood with great visuals. Its conclusion was definitely not what I expected, and with a twist. The Cries of Manor Lannigan is an intriguing novella that proves a good story does not have to be lengthy or complex in content. I’m adding Robert Kearns to my list of authors I like and recommend his short story to readers.

