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The Eloquence of Effort: Beware the Path of Least Resistance
The central theme of the book is tethered to the principles of Entropy: namely, barring the infusion of human energy, all things spontaneously degenerate into chaos. It’s the reason things naturally fall apart and never the reverse. It’s a universal law: chaos is spontaneous; order demands human effort. Arguing that dreams are only achievable through sustained effort and that regardless of the outcome meaningful effort is never wasted, the book relies heavily on a wealth of published data. Moreover, against the backdrop of malignancies inflicted on society by unrepentant leeches, the benefits of the sustained grind are sharply focused. Further, indolence is the bane of success. Indeed, corruption in its diabolical forms is laziness masquerading as diligence. Ample data sustains the thesis that work extends life; indolence shortens it. Succinctly put: Without labor nothing prospers (Sophocles).
