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e-book Details
  • 11/2024
  • pages
  • $
Alison Tracy
The Guardian
Alison Tracy, Author
Fourteen-year-old Iliya Rusul only wants a job to keep her family from starvation. Instead, she’s pushed to leave everything she knows and loves to be a prophet, preparing the world for the returning Messiah. Worse, the God directing Iliya doesn’t seem to care about her family or potentially hurting people to strengthen Iliya’s miracles as holy propaganda. And every miracle costs a portion of her life. Upon discovering the corruption and suffering beyond her village, Iliya wants to save the world from the ruling political corporations. With help from inspired followers, she builds a coordinated relief program to redistribute wealth and power. But whenever her charitable focus strays from God’s clandestine plan, God raises the cost of miracles. Losing money and credibility due to Iliya’s work and growing popularity, the global CEOs in power further consolidate world resources for themselves through hostile takeovers and send out their best assassins to stop Iliya. Can she save those she loves and prepare the world for salvation before she runs out of life?
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 6 out of 10
Prose: 6 out of 10
Character/Execution: 6 out of 10
Overall: 6.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The Guardian is a riveting mystery thriller with well written characters and a compelling storyline. The novel manages to pose profound questions regarding religion, belief, spirituality, and morality, all while maintaining a tight and enjoyable plot.

Prose: Tracy's text displays a delicate and articulate use of language that creates an evocative atmosphere full of religious imagery and presence. Its strength is in its simplicity, with straightforward prose that is easy to follow but sprinkled with passionate intensity.

Originality: The Guardian is expertly constructed by Tracy, with the weight of being a prophet weighing heavily on main character Iliya Rusul's conscience throughout the novel. The cast of characters are well orchestrated and combine effectively to keep readers hooked and involved.

Character/Execution: Tracy's central character, Iliya, is a prophet trying to save the world from corruption and suffering. She is a dynamic protagonist, ably supported by a diverse cast, particularly the dark and mysterious presence of the guardian.

Date Submitted: June 17, 2024

e-book Details
  • 11/2024
  • pages
  • $
