Plot/Idea: Barnett once again delivers an underwater-centered plot that builds slowly, with intriguing elements added, such as using sign language to communicate while diving. Readers will be riveted by the story's exploration of dark and mysterious spaces at the bottom of the ocean.
Prose: The prose reflects diving terminology that elevates the story's authenticity, and Barnett crafts polished dialogue that feels relaxed and logical for the situation.
Originality: Barnett goes out of her way to provide readers with educational tidbits throughout the novel—and the information on relevant sea life included at the end. Story-specific jargon gives readers an immediate connection with the plot, though some terms could be explained more clearly.
Character/Execution: Lucy's first-person perspective rings true, and her growth into a self-assured advocate by the end of the story is admirable.
Date Submitted: May 14, 2023