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Aamina Hamid
The Masquerade
Aamina Hamid, author
The masquerade of steadiness to beautify the unsteadiness is the aesthetic elixir of life. This book aims to unravel the mysteries of emotions that seem to make or break the very foundation of our happiness. This book contains the raw emotions of a wandering young heart set out to explore the possibilities of the impossible. Love for the divine and love for another human heart dips a colorless existence into the vibrant blood of life. This collection of poems is also a part of the endless conversations of the heart with the mind. The themes of love, loss, betrayal, hope and mystic ecstasy echo in the verse. The landscape of the poetry is the mind of a young woman torn between what she has and what she yearns for. It's an adventure to own the absence of what you can't possess and that's what it is all about.
