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Victoria Harris
The Otherworld Book 1: Wish
Cara’s little sister Bri hasn’t spoken a word since his disappearance. In fact, Cara feels like her whole family is under a curse. And it seems like all the adults in their family are keeping some sort of secret. Her world further tumbles into chaos when, after a close encounter with a living, breathing fairy, Cara realizes the old stories are all true. Now, she must find the door to the Otherworld to retrieve an ancient treasure. But can she battle the darkness to save her family ¬– and the entire world?
Twelve-year-old Cara and her younger sister are sent to stay with their Granny in Ireland following the mysterious disappearance of their father in Harris’s enchanting fantasy debut. Cara always assumed that the Irish folktales her father told her growing up were just stories, but when she starts experiencing strange happenings, including stumbling across what she believes is a real-life fairy, she begins to think that these myths may actually be true. Moreover, she’s convinced that this ethereal magic is the cause behind her father’s disappearance. But Cara’s Granny claims that she doesn’t think fairies and the fairy world exist, causing Cara to doubt her ability to find her father, even as she uncovers long-buried secrets pointing toward magical lineage. Intricate worldbuilding takes up the bulk of the expansively plotted narrative, which brims with detailed folklore and a setting that often feels like a character itself. Among the largely white-cued cast, Harris deftly prioritizes quieter challenges and dynamics—such as sibling conflict, falling out with a friend, and a developing crush—offering a sincere, well-rounded tale. Ages 8–12. (Self-published)
