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Paperback Details
  • 12/2022
  • 979-8218069339 B0BQT7B444
  • 200 pages
  • $30.00
rebecca laff
Author, Illustrator
The Phantom of the Opera, a graphic novel
Becky Laff, author
Christine Daaé hides a terrible secret. For months she has been receiving vocal lessons from a mysterious, disembodied voice; one whose haunting tones can seduce and control anyone who hears it. Christine believes she is being tutored by The Angel of Music but when the horrible truth of her situation is revealed, she is in far too deep to free herself. Can her trusted childhood friend and fiancé, Raoul de Chagny help her escape or will she become another victim of The Phantom of the Opera?
Bodhisattva on Amazon gave 5 stars!

Wow, what a beautiful book! I picked this up when it launched on Kickstarter, and it’s so slick! The artwork is amazing and the printing is rich and glossy, it really feels like a quality product. The xtra-large format makes it a perfect coffee table book, too, which now sits on display in my home for all to read. I’ve always enjoyed the complex gothic horror of the original Phantom of the Opera, and one of the things I constantly see in modern adaptations is this emphasis on portraying the story as if it were a romance. As if its main characters were tragic star crossed lovers. Becky Laff, however, has perfectly captured the dark toxicity and torment between its the Phantom and Christin, showing the Phantom in all his horrible glory. Not as a misunderstood man who needs to be fixed by a woman, but as the cunning predator he has always been. It’s a thing of beauty and I absolutely can’t wait for Book Two! Whole heartedly recommend. 6 out of 5 stars.

Evelyn on Amazon gave 5 stars!

I am so blown away by this gorgeous book, I hardly even know where to start. It's so beautiful to look at — Laff's art style lends itself so well to the story. The characters are so expressive and I absolutely LOVE how accurately portrayed Erik's deformity is. It's not a word for word recreation of the book, but it is a very close and faithful adaptation that hits on all the best and most important points. Laff doesn't shy away from the horror aspect of the story, which I love. This book is just so gorgeous, and I cannot wait for book 2. If you're a fan of Phantom at all, I cannot recommend this graphic novel enough!

Kiki13 on Amazon gave 5 stars!

I am a Patreon patron for B. Laff and big lover of Phantom.
To have this book in print is just awesome! The digital screens do not do the colors & drawings justice. This book is a feast for the eyes. From the expressions to the backgrounds, fans will fall in love over and over. Based on the original story with nods to other adaptations (can you find them all??).
If you love this book-consider becoming a Patreon Patron and watch the progress unfold for book 2!

Paperback Details
  • 12/2022
  • 979-8218069339 B0BQT7B444
  • 200 pages
  • $30.00
