The Russian Heist is a gripping noir crime thriller written by Robb White. The story focuses around Dmitri Byko a Russian mobster based in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. When Byko learns of a plot by an amateur gang of thieves to rob a plane filled with government money headed to the Middle East, he quickly joins in. The robbery is masterminded by an armored truck driver who knows when and where the money will be transported. As the robbery unfolds, it becomes clear to the other members of the gang that Byko has little regard for them and therefore treats them with utter contempt. Moreover, a dogged FBI agent, Annie Chang who knows all about the Russian mob in Brooklyn is hot on their heels.
This isn’t your typical heist story. The plot is thrilling and suspenseful. however, where this book really shines is in how the author develops his characters. The main character, Dimitri Byko is extremely ruthless and calculating with very little regard for human life. This causes the other character to be deeply distrustful. The book is very philosophical in nature with morality being the central theme in the book and how greed can corrupt a person’s soul to the point that he or she ceases to be human.
Reviewed By: Michael Shulman
1st Annual International Thriller Award
We had an amazing slew of novels submitted for our first annual International Thriller Award. Thank you to all the talented authors who took the time to send in their works. Below is the list of finalists and winner of 2019’s contest.
The Russian Heist by Robb T. White