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Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9781963159509
  • 92 pages
  • $9.99
The Sea Comet
The story is set in a small coastal fishing village. Local fisherman resident Sarah witness strange objects crashing into the sea, unleashing sea monsters. objects fall, each impact worse. Strange glowing creatures emerge with unknown powers. Sarah sees a flaming creature give violent birth on the shore. The creatures spread plagues killing wildlife. Fish and birds wash up dead with lesions. The creatures grow aggressive; Thomas and Sarah barely escape an attack. Trapped by the tide, they fight giant beasts. The villagers realize they face war. Larger creatures emerge displaying coordination in battles over territory. Further assaults mount. A greater force emerges to hunt villagers at night with strange lights and howls. Supplies dwindle against the aliens. Sarah volunteers to lead scouts into the accursed waters and hills, hoping to learn weaknesses to win back their land or perish in the attempt.
Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9781963159509
  • 92 pages
  • $9.99
