Plot/Idea: The Secret Realm Gaia School of Awakening is the story of three high schoolers, Cora, Andréa, and TJ, who survive a vicious hurricane only to find themselves in Alpha, a realm populated with fantastic creatures like minotours, selkies, and Tuuleuess snake dragons, and as full of dangers as it is of delights. To return, they must learn entirely new skills and fulfill their part in an ancient prophecy, or remain stranded forever.
Prose: Worth's prose is packed with clever descriptions. ("At the John-Deere dealership, the entire inventory of thirteen-ton combines tumbled end over end.") The descriptions of food and the gardens are positively mouth-watering. However, there's a degree of repetition in the characters' dialogue, reminding readers of what has already been established.
Originality: Stories of teenagers stranded in a strange realm who must learn magic in order to return are common, though the mish-mash of fantastic creatures (leprechauns and Ganesha!) coupled with the main characters' disparate backgrounds and the theme of environmental issues, provide freshness.
Character/Execution: Though not always original in their mannerisms and characteristics, Cora, Andréa, and TJ are sympathetic, and make a terrific trio.
Date Submitted: June 10, 2024