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Dr. Bill Senyard
The Storyteller's Tale

“Don’t you dare look at me like that young woman,” Nabal commanded his teen daughter, Berenice. “It’s time for ya’ to become a productive member of our family. No more freeloading.

He grabbed a pair of old rusty shears and swiftly removed nearly all her long, straight, dirty white hair—no explanation or no apology. “My hair? Da’ what’s happening?” she complained loudly, now squirming but to no avail. “There ya’ are. See?” said Nabal, standing back to admire his vile handiwork. “You make quite a striking lad, don’t you think? You’re as tall as one, that’s for sure. You were never very beautiful anyway, not like some girls. I think this will do fine. From now on, your name is Bear. Say it! Let’s go.”

Witness the captivating epic teen fantasy adventure of a girl on her long-awaited quest for genuine hope, identity, and emotional healing at last.

"The Storyteller’s Tale," dives deep into the realms of fantasy, adventure, emotional healing and empowerment. In this gripping sequel, Berenice, the kingdom's renowned storyteller, faces an ordeal that threatens to unravel her carefully guarded secrets. Abducted by cutthroat pirates, she finds herself at the heart of a mysterious plot that seeks to expose her darkest, long-buried truths.

Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 6 out of 10
Character/Execution: 6 out of 10
Overall: 6.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The plot, pulsing with secrets and double meaning, moves relatively quickly, making it appealing to YA audiences, and Senyard utilizes the story within a story structure remarkably well, as Jeremy, a storyteller's scribe, assist in recording an intriguing tale of a kidnapped storyteller.

Prose: Senyard sprinkles the narrative with rich descriptions, at times almost overwhelming, that capably set the stage while drawing readers into the plot. Jeremy and the Storyteller's interjections throughout the novel add depth and meaning to the story's events.

Originality: Readers will be entertained by the story's balance of adventure—particularly between the pirates—and intrigue, as well as the plot's long-held secrets, all of which combine to make this a fast-paced fantasy ride.

Character/Execution: Senyard's characters are fascinating and likable, though their growth is subdued. Berenice's journey is rife with excitement and conflict, but her reactions at times feel out of sync with the chaos around her. Series fans who have read the first installment will be more familiar with the characters' backstories.

Date Submitted: June 19, 2024

