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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2022
  • 9781777410636 1777410630
  • 382 pages
  • $14.03
Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-1-7774106-3-6 B09RBCNV94
  • 382 pages
  • $3.79
Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-1-7774106-3-6
  • 382 pages
  • $3.79
Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-1-7774106-3-6
  • 382 pages
  • $4.47
Christine Axford
Three is Precarious (His Angel Series - Book Three)
Exploring our carnal desires can be deadly, and you may find yourself in a precarious position when lust takes control. What if love isn’t enough when mistakes are made? Will grief consume you, shattering your heart and soul? Ty Bradford Life can’t get any better than this. Lexi has given herself to me completely. She is all I need, and I have promised her I will never leave. She has my unconditional love for eternity. I walk around with my head in the clouds, in seventh heaven…, until my best friend, Cole, decides to drop a bomb on me, turning my perfect world upside down. Lexi Style I gave my mind, body, and soul to Ty, taking a chance on love. He promises me I’m all he’ll ever need, and I believe him. I can’t be happier, and I know without a doubt this man is my soulmate. He will never abandon me. Life is grand when you’re living in a bubble. A bubble that’s about to burst wide open and change my life forever. Three is Precarious is book number 3 in this series and should not be read as a stand-alone. ^^Content Warning^^ This book contains mature language, explicit sex scenes, and thoughts of suicide, which may cause a trigger for some people. It is not intended for readers under the age of 18!
Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2022
  • 9781777410636 1777410630
  • 382 pages
  • $14.03
Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-1-7774106-3-6 B09RBCNV94
  • 382 pages
  • $3.79
Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-1-7774106-3-6
  • 382 pages
  • $3.79
Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 978-1-7774106-3-6
  • 382 pages
  • $4.47
