The Incredibles meets Baby Driver in this eye-popping, shape-shifting, gravity-defying debut about a world of wondrous powers, terrifying villains, and a young man who must confront his family’s shameful past if he’s to save his only friend from a fate worse than death.
Music tragic and the proud owner of one very questionable mustache, Tom Hadley’s quest to follow in the footsteps of his idol and become the world’s most famous drummer is put on hold when he meets Obie, a strange little boy with a terrible haircut and extraordinary powers.
Obie is a Super, and all Supers must register with a secretive government agency known as the Conservatory. Those that refuse face consequences ranging from the ghastly to the downright gruesome. Terrified that his lack of control will see him thrown inside Iron Mountain – a notorious prison with a dark and terrible history - Obie is desperate to keep his powers under wraps, a secret he entrusts to no one but Tom.
When Obie’s true nature is exposed, Tom must fight to save him from the clutches of a fearsome federal agent and his Thumpers, professional Super hunters with a frightening reputation. Even more formidable is the agent’s daughter; classmate, valedictorian, and aspiring megalomaniac, Nicole Milch will stop at nothing to prove herself worthy of her father’s approval.
To save Obie, Tom will be forced to navigate a world of spectacular powers, all the while being drawn into a dangerous conspiracy involving a dead Super, powerful heroes, and a mystery that will bring him face to face with Iron Mountain’s most infamous inmate - his estranged father.
Thunderhead launches a new superhero/adventure series that transports readers into a rich, imaginative world packed with action, humor, and earth-shattering powers.