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Kelly Mitchell
Author, Service Provider
Tour of Insanity: A Manifesto for Better Home Design
Have you ever walked around your house wondering WHY this was installed that way or WHY there is orange shag carpet in the kitchen? Maybe you wondered WHY there has to be a front yard or WHY do pests keep getting into your home? We provide a comedic look at the WHY and some insight on what should be. This book provides a tour of the insanity of past, present, and future home design highlighting the tragic comedy of why things are the way they are and what could be done differently to elevate home design. We address the absurd notions of shag carpeting in bathrooms and what led to their demise as well as how to shore up your home from pesty invaders. Tour of Insanity is designed to spark conversations and provide comic relief while introducing solutions. If you want serious, mapped-out architectural and home decor enlightenment - walk away, this book isn't for you. We provide odd facts, bizarre history, and viable solutions that in most cases are beyond our control. After reading, you will walk away with interesting stories and whimsical knowledge that is great for warming up dinner conversations, but first and foremost, you will smile.
Online Book Club

"This book is rich in practical tips and advice.  But what makes it fascinating is the author's comic tone and colorful writing style...I couldn't stop laughing throughout the read." - Saint Bruno, Online Book Club Review (4 out of 4 stars)

